Sunday, February 20, 2011

What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger!

What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. Is a phrase I am reminded of, when I'm caught in the middle of a crazy situation. Sometimes, no matter how happy-go-lucky sort of a person you are, life hits to you. And it is true that surviving such situation, adds another line in your palms and a 'bring it on' statement in your head.
There will be times when you feel your job, totally sucks. You are stuck in the wrong line, or your boss is a creep. Ofcourse there are people like me who have other issues like, not being able to make friends at work, inspite of people being nice and polite. Trust me creatures belonging to my category, can be really bothered with this. But hey! Isn't there always a ray of hope? When you walk out of those office doors, the smell of pollution also seems like a rescue. Well as long as you walk out of 'that' cage. Stepping inside home, everything seems back to normal. Untouched by the chaos in the professional life. The pet dogs will wag his tail as if you are the hero to his life and the pace of life at home goes back to normal.
Problem starts when you wake up next morning to head to work!

When there are problems plaguing the personal arena, you will invest all your energies into work. You head will be full of 'Work is my priority right now.' You will try as much to avoid home, social functions and calls on the pretext of 'I'm busy.' Secretly in your head you know your work was done long back, you just want to pretend to work so no one sees your miserable and vulnerable side. In such situations the anger element also starts reflecting more often.

But the worst of the situation is yet to be talked about. What about the days where crisis hits your personal and professional life. You went through a rough break up or fight with parents, tension at home or best friend's in trouble. Situations can be in numerous. Then ofcouse things at work will not always be hunky dory and you are bound to go through 'boss in a bad mood'. sales not going up, not getting a promotion. When both the segments of your life are in a soup, what do you do?

  • Wish it was a bad dream and when you wake up it will all be fine.
  • Look at your Jade elephant pendant and hope for its magic to rub off on you.
  • Look at other happy people and wish that was your life.
  • Wait for magic.
And then in the midst of it, think, when there is happy time, did you ever question that? Did you ever ask yourself why you deserve it? Then who gave you a right to say 'why me' now?

If you believe in it, it will happen. And as the saying goes, 'This too shall Pass.' So hang in there fellow 'deep in soup', you will learn to swim or drink the soup!


  1. so life is a soup kitchen , and sometimes we're the chef and other times, a fly in the soup? :D :)

  2. guess what...there is magic. not fairy tale like. sometimes unsettling in its operation. but its there. love.

  3. pri...agree!!! totally
    twi: thanks :)
    Sak: waiting for the magic to rub off...
